Hey, welcome to LD Illustration. I'm currently working hard at the moment to code my own website! This will take some time to cook up so I appreciate the wait. In the meantime, I'm still available on all your local social media and by my email address at ldillustr/ation@out/look.com. I'm also working on a whole revamp on everything such as my brand, style, motifs, etc. so this is why the website is looking very blank at the moment (trust me, it'll be very epic and me coded when it's done, pinky promise).

Why are you doing this?

Simply put, it's cheaper to do it this way and I have my own flexibility. I'm happy to share notes on why as this isn't a decision I took wisely (sharing information is power). I also didn't want to leave everyone who has my business card looking at a expired webpage (I still have a archive of my other website previously of course but it's just non viewable to the public)

But what if I want your portfolio?

Ask me on Instagram at leonsartabode or on my email (the quickest way to communicate with me)

Who are you anyway?

Leon is an illustrator from the UK in the West Midlands, developing from Graphic Design and going into Illustration BA at the University of Gloucestershire. Living differently with autism, he has been able to have conversations and talk via illustration that wouldn't have been possible otherwise. Working within different creative materials, he mostly defaults to mixing traditional and digital skills together to create his works. He is currently working on The Summerwilde Mysteries, an adult animation based on three anthropomorphic characters investigating their own hometown.